“Wrongful death” occurs when an individual dies as a result of the negligence, carelessness, or other misconduct of someone else. Each state has specific laws addressing “wrongful death” which set forth the specific procedures for bringing a lawsuit. Typically, the person suing for wrongful death can recover the value of lost monetary support, but the law varies from state to state.
Likewise, the right to bring a lawsuit for a “wrongful death“ depends on the statutory law of the specific jurisdiction. In most states, you must be either the personal representative (a person who manages the affairs of another because of incapacity or death), child, spouse, or parent of the person killed (in other words, you cannot sue for the “wrongful death” of someone who is only a friend or acquaintance). As lawyers with experience in “wrongful death” actions in various states, our firm can properly manage the intricacies involved and achieve the best possible outcome for the decedent’s estate.
If your loved one has died due to the wrongful conduct of another, contact us online or call us at 1-866-252-3535.